TEAM MEN is now available online.
TEAM MEN group training, due to the CV19 outbreak, is currently available solely via ZOOM video conferencing and is available every weekday, 5 sessions per week at 6.35am and 7.40am.
TEAM MEN is about helping men build a lifestyle which gives them better fitness, health, sleep, stress management and nutrition. It is a programme designed to create a vitally important positive routine which many men are lacking and by surrounding yourself with a committed group of TEAM mates you will feel motivated and become accountable.
Some of the most successful long terms results have been seen in this format.
Please read what other TEAM MEN are saying. This is not like anything else that you have seen.
Creating a charged session full of motivation is surprisingly easy when you have a group of great guys all wanting to help each other to achieve the best they can in each session.
New members are quickly welcomed and integrated into being an intrinsic part of the TEAM.
Paul works tirelessly to make each session different and challenging and to keep the group constantly guessing, consistently becoming fitter and stronger, and always looking forward to the next session.
TEAM MEN sessions are now given online using ZOOM. Workout 5 times each week at the same regular time to help keep your routine and mind set sharp.
If you have not exercised for a while maybe a couple of one on one sessions with Paul can help you to build confidence before joining the group.
Learning movements, techniques and understanding how exactly to go about achieving your target is the best way to start especially if you are new to exercise. You may even want to continue with that method as many do, but for others you might prefer the idea of TEAM MEN. Please take time to read what the groups say, as for many who were unsure about joining, it has been a life changing decision.
Why is it for you?
In order for us to maximise health, fitness and performance, let alone getting ourselves into top shape, we NEED to be training with INTENSITY 3 x per week and not merely saying we’ll do it then regularly missing sessions! With TEAM ONLINE you can now up to train 5 times per week and you have a far greater chance of making sessions if your team is counting on you to show up.
How am I allocated into a group?
It is likely you will be allocated into a group at your preferred time slot but this will have no bearing on your ability. We perform all activities together in a setting where nobody can get left behind so for example, if the task is to perform 20 squats then we all perform 20 squats but what differs is the amount of weight you carry! We will NOT be going for a 20 mile run together where the group could split in the first 50 metres!
Can I make up my own personal training group?
Yes you can. You may want to work as a corporate TEAM or perhaps you are a group of men who compete in the same sport and you want training to be specific to your needs. If so then yes we can allocate slots for you to train together.
If you have been struggling with your health and fitness, especially since the necessity to STAY AT HOME was introduced, then TEAM MEN ONLINE will be the ideal solution to help you with routine and a daily commitment.
Leave lockdown the fittest you have been, and ready to tackle any chances you might have of contracting this deadly virus. TEAM MEN will help you breakout of lockdown as the best version of yourself, with new habits and new TEAM mates still influencing your new self long after this uncertain time is over.