Team PCHF is how we truly believe you will achieve great results. Once you stop focusing on how you want to look but instead turn your attention to achieving a goal that gives you self worth and pride then your appearance may very well come along nicely as a bonus.
Sport is such a rewarding activity to be involved in and there are so many options to choose from so once you’ve found something you enjoy, training for an event can give you all the motivation you need.
Every year there will be several competitions the team gets involved in and not only do you end up incredibly fit by training for your competition, you get to meet new people, visit new places, have new experiences and enjoy great social events too.
Choose from Paul’s own passions of Kettlebell Sport, Indoor Rowing, Cycle Racing and Running or suggest a different sport yourself and we will back you 100% for your challenge.

If you’re interested don’t hesitate, just do it. Pick up the phone and call me – now is the time to make that difference to your life. If it’s easier, drop me a message below and I’ll get right back to you.
Get in touch
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